
36 Movie Reviews

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Interesting idea, your animation can definetly use some improvement, but that'll develop with time, Judging by those graphics on the credits I'd say you have some talent in design, or at least you have good taste on that subject, so here's hoping you use that for the next entry of this new series.
Improve and keep creating.

Even though the art and sound design could use a little work (Along with the animation in general) you managed to keep me entretained for a good eight minutes, which was pretty good, I commend you on taking on such a lenghty animation, I can't wait to see you improve over time, keep it up.

TylerBasham responds:


It's actually a pretty decent animation, I wouldn't post it as a movie, maybe as a cool gif on some animation forum or in a post on your personal profile, good stuff nontheless, keep it up.

Nice work on the Sonic! also those were some nice angles you implemented.
The only downside that I found is that Eggman looked kinda better in the old version, but nice work overall!

Barnhouse responds:

Ya I feel ya. But also you couldn't see him at all in the original version. Honestly though I just wanted to have fun and take a chance to do some hand inked animation for the Eggman portion. Thanks for the feedback dude.

It's interesting to see a dream represented in animation, nontheless It really wasn't much, the art is kinda cool though, and also that text at the end with the blurry effect made for a convincing "dream" illusion, keep it up.

Not bad brother, really entretaining, also great 3D animation, keep it up.

TheCrazedSide responds:

Thank you!

Beautiful design! especially from the Old man and the flowers at the end, that's top notch.

Real groovy, today's favorite for me.

RealRedbookClock responds:


Creeped me the fook out but good nontheless.

I'm an animator in my spare time, which is basically saturdays.

Age 27, Male

Video Producer

Mexico, Nuevo León.

Joined on 10/7/19

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